How do you identify a Pastor who only testifies to the truth after you have put 30 pieces of silver in their offering plate? A Pastor who will kiss you and call you Rabbi for self-benefit as they await your arrest. A subpoena. Only God has custody of the truth. It cannot be bought, it […]

You lead a third of the fallen heavenly host as you try to deceive and betray our need for the Holy Ghost. While you try to exploit me with things I love to taste while looking at women dressed in black lace, I find myself in a world I have always felt out of place […]

How can a facility claim to be based on Christian beliefs when it asks the least among us to leave their facility when they are using them? How can a facility that claims to be based on Christian beliefs have a loitering policy when the foundation of it’s faith began with two loitering parents and […]

Never be afraid to love when you are not loved. Never be afraid to love those that have hurt you and continue to do so. We create the world we live in. We control how we treat the people we interact with while living in it. Our behavior and how we react to the world […]

Sin is a seed that grows into a weed,reminding you of your past deeds. If you allow your selfish needs to lead,you will eternally hurt those that your heart needs. As they experience pain as their heart bleeds,waiting for the love from your heart that feeds. With every life stumble, your castle will begin to […]

Religion is nothing more than a fallacy,used to control one through their spirituality. A church is no more righteous than the thoughts in its head,and the actions of the body while it’s fed. The path to your spiritual call is not within the vanity of four walls. Or under a steeple full of flawed people […]