The execution of a judicial system’s judgment should not violate the foundation of law it stands on. If the people of a republic allow themselves to execute their wrath, they are just as guilty as the individual or group they are passing judgment on. The number of conspirators in a situation does not transform its […]

As I slit my wrists to feel my pains suspension,that is spread across the fourth dimension.I see the end of my pain quickened by panic and hypertension. The vain persecute those that are in pain of wanting attention,as they cry out for help while dying in false detention. Hurting those that I love was never […]

You buried me in this ground, to silence the truth within my voice’s sound. You left me in this unmarked grave, but I was still found by the King of the Saved. It is written, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” sayeth the Lord. I remain in prayer as I have sheathed my […]

A badge does not validate an officer’s representation of the laws of a republic. It only shows evidence of the people’s trust in them to protect and serve. When there is an element of law enforcement that fails to represent the law, it is the responsibility of the people to remove that flaw. I detest […]

Brother, your actions meant to hurt me will only reveal the truth you wish to conceal. My body you wish to imprison will be resurrected by our Lord that has risen. The destruction you fear will be delivered by your own hand. My heart is guided by the truth given to us by the Son […]

What we do while fueled by the needs of the body when our soul is absent will only perpetuate more pain no matter how much pleasure the act brings to the body. True joy is only attained when the products of our acts are celebrated by the body and the soul. Why do we cast […]