If words are a collection of letters telling a tale, musical notes are a collection of emotions communicating a feeling. The journey is finding each letter and note that communicates what is in our hearts as we seek to be heard, as a sailor in a ship that has fallen below the water searches for […]

I believe during a poets life the love that flows from his pen paints many pictures and tells many tales. As he looks back on his life however the fire in his heart burned for only one. Her heart is visible in every painting and every tale.

The greatest and most painful mistake of my life was speaking the truth in anger about the first person I loved in my life and the first person I felt loved by. I spoke the truth out of anger because I couldn’t take the pain anymore. I spoke the truth out of fear this person […]

For many years of my life I poured out my body upon this Earth trying to find happiness, and I found nothing that made me whole. I felt complete for the first time when I looked into the eyes of the woman that showed me what love is. That was the first moment in my […]

In my entire life I have only felt one beautiful star in my sky.My heart was complete when I felt her by my side. Now that she has fallen from my sky,all I feel is darkness inside. I am told there are many stars in the night sky,but only her light can heal my heart […]

I can see you in a picture. You’re not just a place for a household fixture. I see a cabin on a few snowy acres. Where I can wake up to my soulmate, my eternal love maker. Every night I find love, warmth, and healing inside my eternal pier. Your breasts comfort me and shelter […]

In my life I have given one person my complete spiritual heart. Her beautiful eyes radiated love and hope like heavenly art. I believed with all of my heart she was my spiritual counterpart. Now that she is gone I feel like my world has fallen apart. Everyday of my life I feel this intimate […]