In my life I have given one person my complete spiritual heart. Her beautiful eyes radiated love and hope like heavenly art. I believed with all of my heart she was my spiritual counterpart. Now that she is gone I feel like my world has fallen apart. Everyday of my life I feel this intimate […]

So many years ago, I looked into your beautiful eyes. I was unaware of the heaven that was deep inside. A world that was in your heart, and no matter how far life kept us apart. We were meant to someday hold each other, and heal each other’s hearts. When everything in my life had […]

As I come home, I walk inside. As I look up, I see your bedroom eyes. I give you a hug, as you give my clothes a tug. Guiding me back to our room where you always make my dreams come true. While we make love by fire light, it will still be me that […]

My whole life I have tried to see what he has planned for me.  Down his road I have stumbled along.  Praying that he will pick me up and push me on. Please God bless me with she, that was taken out of me.  From my faith I have seen this is the key that […]