Religion is nothing more than a fallacy,used to control us through our spirituality. A church is no more righteous than the thoughts in its head,and the actions of the body while it’s fed. The path to your spiritual call is not within the vanity of four walls. Or under a steeple full of flawed people […]

Those who live only in the world that’s moonlit,will be buried in it. As crows descend on a world of sin,they will consume those whose light grows dim within. In Satan’s Lair we will be eternally ensalved,if we do not love and worship the King of the saved. Being spiritually reborn allows us,to eternally change […]

I see you perched at the foot of my bed. My dreams you fill with dread, I walk through life wanting to fill my head with lead,as you try to lure me away from my daily bread. These visions are always the same, as I am haunted by the same name. My heart cannot process […]

Religion is nothing more than a fallacy,used to control one through their spirituality. A church is no more righteous than the thoughts in its head,and the actions of the body while it’s fed. The path to your spiritual call is not within the vanity of four walls. Or under a steeple full of flawed people […]

There will always be those that speak lies to watch us in pain as we are crucified. Always speak the truth and testify even if it leads to your own demise. Never pursue them eye for an eye because you are only serving your pride. For those that want to watch us die, always love […]