Some of us carry the pain of rejection from our Fathers. Do not let your life be impacted by their failure. Find comfort in our Lord and Savior. My Father not only destroyed our relationship, but he was a part of the destruction of the relationship I had with my children. My ability to forgive […]

The odds we face are irrelevant. The courage that we manifest within will overcome any obstacle while fueled by the passion of faith. Fear is nothing more than an illusion the Adversary perpetuates around us to blind us from seeing truth. My adversaries’ evil malicious desire to punish me for sins they born false witness […]

I will build a woman the castle of her dreams and stand the watch on its walls for eternity to protect only her. My strength and passion are fueled by her desire to be the only one that serves me in its dungeon. Will you trust me as I trust you? Will you forgive me […]

Reality like water will take the shape of its container. Regardless of whether that container takes on the form of good or evil. When water resides in a cup of evil we must walk above that water, or be consumed by it. It is not evil that I fear, I fear failing to control the […]

You took the last thing I had left,while preparing your own death. You stole the crops I planted like Cain,because you were unable to grow anything with your grain. When you were caught in betrayal,you attempted to flee and set sail. While my anger builds within,I see you drowning in your sin. I want to […]

The truth will arrive in God’s time. The most important thing in life is to have the humility to know that no matter how painful life is we are not the instrument of justice. David was the first great King of Israel, but Solomon built the Temple that housed truth on Earth.Everything is as God […]

To view Islamic people as terrorists would be as reckless, foolish, and irresponsible as viewing all Christians as capital rioters. I do not believe the middle east is the only geographical area of this world that harbors heavily armed, religious, and political extremists. One of the greatest privileges of my life was spending three years […]

Nothing can stop me now.I’ve been broken in a world where I’m expected to bow. Every day you wake up wanting me dead,but Christ’s love keeps my spirit fed. With a gun in my mouth while you take aim.I know in my Lord’s time you will turn back in shame. While you have me surrounded […]