North Star

In my life I have given one person my complete spiritual heart.
Her beautiful eyes radiated love and hope like heavenly art.

I believed with all of my heart she was my spiritual counterpart.
Now that she is gone I feel like my world has fallen apart.

Everyday of my life I feel this intimate spiritual connection that has fallen away.
It doesn’t matter how much pain I feel everyday.
To know that it was you that made me feel love for the first time,
it is a price I gladly pay.

I forgive you.

I pray you can forgive me too.

All I know is that I love you.

You were my first true love and best friend.
You are the only woman that has ever completed me within.

You were the only star in my sky.
I wanted to love and serve only you until the day I die.
I will forever believe in what I saw in your beautiful eyes.

For you to feel peace and love in your life is what I pray for everyday.
I hope to feel my heart beat again while giving you a hug someday.

I love you.

I always will.