My heart is a vast ocean that is and will only be filled with the names of two women. It is on these waters that my spiritual ship is guided. It is on these waters that my soul has been made complete as I serve my Lord Jesus Christ. At the same time, I am […]

I could not write when I thought I understood the form of love. It was the moment I realized I had lost the only moment in time I was spiritually complete that I began to write. As I continued to write, I realized I had always retained that moment. The fire the North Star ignited […]

The form of our hearts is not determined by the past, the present, or the future. The form of our hearts is determined by how we love those who have touched our souls throughout the eternal sands of time, regardless of whether they are walking with us on the same line.

When we were together, and you had to leave, I gave you a long hug because you were the first woman in my life to show me what love feels like, and I was afraid of feeling what I feel now. The emptiness of missing you and wishing I could hug you and tell you […]

I believe in Heaven because I have seen it. I saw it in the eyes of the only two women that I have loved in this life, the woman that saved my life and the woman that helped me find the courage to keep walking forward in it. My faith and what these women taught […]

We all have imperfections that perpetuate our mistakes in life, some consistent with what we are, others rooted in who we are. When you love someone, none of that matters. You stand the watch next to them, whether physically or spiritually, and help them as they move forward on their journey just as they have […]

Love is not just how we feel about someone while they are holding our hand. Love is how we keep that person in our hearts when their path is no longer next to ours in the sand. You were the first person that healed and helped me see,I had everything I needed to be the […]

For the first half of my life, I tried to understand what my heart and soul were missing. After holding your hand and looking into your eyes, I will spend the rest of my life feeling blessed and thankful that I found it. I no longer look for what is missing in my life. I […]

I know I will spend the rest of my life at sea,because there are no longer places that I want to be. I have seen the end of the Age of Exploration.Because you are the only woman that completed my spiritual restoration. At every sunrise, I wait to see what life has in store,but I […]