Love your enemy as your friend. Do not base how you treat them on their sin,but the love in your heart you carry within. When your friend realizes you are not one of them.They will return your love and call you a friend. Forgiveness is a bridge that must be crossed,or everything in life will […]

There will always be those that speak lies to watch us in pain as we are crucified. Always speak the truth and testify even if it leads to your own demise. Never pursue them eye for an eye because you are only serving your pride. For those that want to watch us die, always love […]

The good thing about hitting rock bottom is that you finally have something solid to stand on. You now know what direction you need to go. Listen to the Rock, it is what Christ built his church on.

Faith is walking forward with love and hope in all parts of your soul. When you can’t see God, but always feel him making you whole. It’s walking forward to a place that you see in your heart, even when everything around you is falling apart. When you feel your back is against the Red […]

Everything of this world is noise. We think we know what we want, but only God knows what we need.   If we focus and commit everything in our life to God, and walk his path everything we need will be given to us.  From that we will find everything we have ever wanted.

Never waste your time or your energy setting fire to the castles of those opposed to your success, growth, and joy. Focus all of your energy into loving and protecting those around you and building a stronger castle that represents you. The fire that fuels the adversary’s war machine will eventually burn out or consume […]