The truth will arrive in God’s time. The most important thing in life is to have the humility to know that no matter how painful life is we are not the instrument of justice. David was the first great King of Israel, but Solomon built the Temple that housed truth on Earth.Everything is as God […]

To view Islamic people as terrorists would be as reckless, foolish, and irresponsible as viewing all Christians as capital rioters. I do not believe the middle east is the only geographical area of this world that harbors heavily armed, religious, and political extremists. One of the greatest privileges of my life was spending three years […]

The destruction of evil is not based on whether we have the strength to crack it like a rock or destroy it. The destruction of evil is based upon whether we have the courage to be spiritually calm and flow like living water until the rock is no longer there, while the truth erodes it […]

Passionate love is more powerful than passionate hate because it reflects perfect form and truth.It is not blinded by deceit, malice, or prejudice. It never stops because it is fueled by hope and faith, not an agenda. I do not pray for the destruction of my adversaries. Because I know my ability to stand in […]