The human body is a temple.   If stones are what make up the temple,  habits are the stones that make up the human. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought […]

When you have fallen and nothing in life on this world makes sense. When you have lost everything you have. When you have been betrayed by everyone that you thought loved you. When you have lost the one you love. When you fought for what you believe in and what you thought was right and […]

Any person or object that is a part of the form beauty is beautiful. To what extent it is a part of the form dictates how beautiful it is. The person viewing the person or object within the form will only experience the truth of love if they appreciate the individuality of what is within […]

When your heart tires, our Lord will save you from the adversary’s fire. An eternity of wandering through the mire As you turn to prayer, your adversary will burn in their own fire.