When I wanted to rest in a tomb,You let me bury my pain in your womb. As I hold you by the hair with every thrust,I know you are the only woman that I can trust. Only to you my life I commit,as only for me you kneel and submit. As you satisfy the beast […]

There is nothing more sacred than a man who is committed to protecting the woman he loves, and a woman committed to satisfying the beast within him. As his glowing green eyes search the wilderness for her moonlit thighs.She prays to Mani to deliver a protector who can satisfy her deep inside. As she kneels […]

How can a facility claim to be based on Christian beliefs when it asks the least among us to leave their facility when they are using them? How can a facility that claims to be based on Christian beliefs have a loitering policy when the foundation of it’s faith began with two loitering parents and […]

I spent my life in pain always feeling alone.Now I will spend eternity trapped under a stone.As people look down at the ground covering my bones. Every night I wander this cemetery.In a world I never found familiarity,as I look for my prosperity. As the mournful see an echo of me crossing the terrace,under the […]

Pain is my heroin; she is my only accepting bride. The more this world injects inside, the more I am able to philosophize. When the world tries to destroy me it fails, because I have already crossed that path under a ship’s sail. While inflicting pain on myself with a cat of 9 tails. When […]

Never be afraid to love when you are not loved. Never be afraid to love those that have hurt you and continue to do so. We create the world we live in. We control how we treat the people we interact with while living in it. Our behavior and how we react to the world […]

Lust is nothing more than a lie to the heart fed from the body.  Where love is a truth from the heart fed from the connection of two peoples spirts at the deepest level. Love is the process of two people opening up to each other completely and being connected to each other at a […]

Sin is a seed that grows into a weed,reminding you of your past deeds. If you allow your selfish needs to lead,you will eternally hurt those that your heart needs. As they experience pain as their heart bleeds,waiting for the love from your heart that feeds. With every life stumble, your castle will begin to […]