The Darkest Night

In my entire life I have only felt one beautiful star in my sky.
My heart was complete when I felt her by my side.

Now that she has fallen from my sky,
all I feel is darkness inside.

I am told there are many stars in the night sky,
but only her light can heal my heart that has petrified.

All I can do is love the star that showed me how to fly.
Everything I build is because of love I feel for her inside.

My heart will never stop missing the warmth in your eyes,
the way you healed my soul the first time I felt safe to confide.

It doesn’t matter how long I carry this pain inside,
I will never stop believing in the beautiful world I saw in your eyes.

If tomorrow the ground is where my body will forever reside.
I want you to know how special you are inside,
and that I loved you until the day I died.

All I can do is love the star that showed me how to fly.
Everything I build is because of love I feel for her inside.