The Castle

My heart has never felt the pain of this kind of fall.
The only thing that has kept me together is the teachings of Paul,
as I build my New Castle’s wall.

The first time that I saw Heaven was when I looked into your eyes.
Your heart is the only place I feel safe to confide.
I only feel complete when I give my heart deep between your thighs.
I know I have found my Soulmate when I look into your eyes.

Now that I am permanently on shore, I feel like I am lost at sea.
Because something is missing deep inside of me.
My life feels like a deployment that will never end,
as I wait for the One that will complete me within.

As I carry you in my arms,
you will never again feel this worlds harm.

With your back against the wall, I will never let you fall.
My love will protect you for eternity inside my castle wall.

As your legs are wrapped around me,
I know my heart will never again be lost at sea.
You’re the only woman I want to share this part of me.

As soon as I know you are the one,
I will spend the rest of eternity
doing anything to make you cum.

As I tie your hands, the look in your eyes tell me you trust my plans.
Our sacred bond makes you hunger for my commands.

As I cover your beautiful eyes with a blindfold,
you feel your protector on top of you as your stronghold.


As you feel my tongue move across your skin,
You realize I will do anything to complete you within.

As my desire for you unfolds,
you see there is so much to my love that is untold.
I am going to make love to you until your pleasure reaches a new threshold.

As I untie your blindfold,
your beautiful eyes are what I want to behold.

As my face moves between your thighs,
I want to escape to the place I see when I look into your eyes.

As my tongue moves deep inside of you,
I can see in your eyes you are feeling something new.

As my hands hold you firmly around your waist,
I cannot get enough of your beautiful taste.

As I look into your eyes you make me realize,
you need to feel me hold you and thrust deep inside.

As I take your heart to the top of the sky,
you see in my eyes you will possess mine until the day I die.

As I place your legs beside my head,
I pull you closer to me across our bed.

I want to lick the bottom of your feet,
as you feel the heat of my heartbeat.

With every loving thrust,
I know you are the only woman my heart will ever trust.

Life is worth nothing without the intimacy of loyalty.
My heart has been broken to many times and tossed into the sea.
I will serve and protect you from the pain this world has torn inside of me.
When I come home hold my heart and set me free.
Look into my eyes and let me know this is for eternity.

There are sins of the flesh,
but nothing equals the love and intimacy
when two hearts completely mesh.


As together we cum,
We have just become one.

I collapse in your arms,
knowing my heart will never again feel harm.

Between your breasts forever my heart will rest.
This place next to your heart is my spiritual home.
What I see in your eyes is the only thing that is known.
Because you saved me from a life in a catacomb.

It doesn’t matter the pain you have been through.
My arms will hold you forever and make you new.
When I look into your eyes and make love to you,
we will no longer be two
because our souls will join and make something new.

It does not matter how cold and dark was your previous night.
When you lay in my arms and look into my eyes you will see my souls light.

You no longer need to face alone your life battle.
Because forever your heart will be safe inside your castle.
